What is Integration?

“Integration” is a term that is often used to describe the integration period after a macro psychedelic journey. But this concept absolutely applies to psychotherapy and spiritual practice as well.

Mirror Pond Counseling offers “psychedelic integration” and “psycho-spiritual integration” meaning we are open to weaving insights and resources into therapy that come from your spiritual tradition and/or your psychedelic journeys. Integration is so incredibly important in both of these practices, both spiritual and psychedelic!

It is the real “work,” that makes therapy and journeys change our lives. There should be lifestyle changes, that accompany therapy and journey work, if not, there is a danger of the relationships becoming codependent and another form of the patterns in which we want to transcend.

Integration is a concept in which we weave spiritual truths that our Higher Self becomes aware of, into our concrete life. Non tangible realities are embodied, implemented into our daily habits and manifested in the physical Earth realm. What happens internally? Parts concerned with survival and protection, are finally able to raise their consciousness, digest that higher truth, which could be an orientation to the current time, which allows concrete changes to occur. Like making a new bank account, buying different food, or communicating with different technology.

The style of therapy that Mirror Pond Counseling offers, intentionally and unapologetically opens spiritual spaces for clients to journey, in order to reach deeper healing than the clinical or evidence-based model. It is very important to ground spiritual information, often termed “downloading.” A download when grounded in our lives, becomes permanent! It is inherently a new spiritual creation that is embodied in us, and does not need continuous work to maintain.

Creating or opening up new spiritual space is a bold adventure. A psychedelic journey assists in opening the brain networks, to make it possible to enter into a new spiritual space as a catalyst to start the integration process, which may continue in therapy, especially if there is “looping” or a relentless pattern that is elusive or takes different forms. The healing process should intentionally interrupt it or work with it to creatively continue to transform the energy of it into something else. Its a wild healing journey!

Integration is the difference between psychedelics and therapy working or not working. Everyone wants off the hamster wheel, and that involves integrating these experiences and insights between sessions. Immersing the mind, body and spirit in our daily lives with curiosity.

Integration can be instantaneous, a long multi-stage ego transformation, ongoing karmic evolution, or anything in between :) We are always on a path towards transformation, so it’s important when preparing for counseling or a journey, to celebrate successes when they happen. Always journal the moment that it hits you, and how your life

Kimberly Drew, MA, LPC


Shifting Parts of Self Post Psychedelic Journey


Spiritual & Psychedelic Integration in Therapy