What Is Post Traumatic Stress?
Many commonly identify traumatic events as war, death and sexual assault as the main events that cause PTSD. However, there are several more subtle forms of trauma that are perceived by the individual as life threatening,causing PTSD.
When the brain registers any event as life-threatening, the body records and stores these specific memories, changing the lens in which one experiences the world. A "trigger" is when any association with that event, sends the brain an urgent message "Life is in danger!" In defense, the body shoots stress hormones for fight, flight or freeze. What makes this condition PTSD is the body’s response continues to activate in present day through these triggers, flashbacks, etc. EMDR treatment files the memory away in long term memory so it no longer triggers.
This reaction from the body, can cause symptoms of deep shame, fear, sleep disturbance, nightmares/flashbacks, hyperawareness, hormone imbalances and physical fatigue. The brain’s response is meant to help and keep a person safe, but over time it may cause less tolerance for stress, overly intense feelings and reactions to what used to be a tolerable situation. EMDR therapy has been shown to neutralize or heal the clinical mental health issues that are causing these symptoms: anxiety, panic disorder, phobias, general medical disorders, bereavement and post traumatic stress disorder.
Its important to acknowledge that the trauma response can also be triggered while in emotional distress, socially ostracized, spiritually fearful, etc. Your ego or protective part is then fortified, because the ego equates change, isolation and smallness/insignificance as life threatening.
To the left are some specific issues that may not often be named as “trauma” or PTSD, but still fall into the category of trauma because of how the individual perceived these events as life threatening.
Watch The Video From EMDR International Association
“Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) has been extensively researched and proven to be effective in treating psychological disorders, mental health problems, and physical symptoms. This approach has helped ~2 million people in their healing and personal development.”
Treatment Of PTSD
EMDR accesses the event through AIP model, “Adaptive Information Processing” which means the neuronetworks in the brain are physically changed. The EMDR protocol neutralizes the emotional charge behind the original event that cause anxiety and fear. You can then approach life protecting yourself in reasonable ways, neutralizing unnecessary anxiety and fear.
EMDR facilitates normal information processing in the brain's memory networks. The results are less stress, improved view of self, relief from unexplained physical tension, ability to withstand daily stress and resolution of future triggers that will arise. Most importantly, the connection to your Higher Self and God are restored so you can see the world with more light, play, joy and have faith that things are going to be okay. You can then rely on divine protection instead of limited ego protection.
Is EMDR Theory A Credible Treatment Method?
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a theoretical model that is evidenced-based, meaning its been proven to help relieve many types of psychological symptoms that occur due to trauma. There have been at least 21 formal clinical trials. EMDR consists of an 8-phase protocol that integrates elements from many different treatment approaches, like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Mindfulness, Somatic Therapy and Biofeedback Therapy. We also enjoy integrating IFS Internal Family Systems.
Specific Issues EMDR Can Mitigate
test taking anxiety
medical trauma
fear of flying
childhood bullying
psycho-somatic symptoms
breakup or divorce
sexist or racial trauma
legal conflicts
bad psychedelic trip
public speaking
natural disasters
death of a loved pet
loss of a job
skin rashes or acne
car crash/ auto accident
sports injury
birth trauma or emergency C-section
exiting a cult
political divisions
family cutoff
Healing starts here.
Call us at 541-668-7558 ext. #2 if you have questions or need help choosing a therapist. We look forward to speaking with you about the sacred work you are about to do!